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welcome to YouthReach

Centre Based Activities

YouthReach is dedicated in supporting our youths through our drop in services. Here in the Centre, the youths are supported in their academic work, in talent discovery and grooming. The centre has anchored the youths not just in programmes and activities but also in establishing a healthy channel for youths to get support through their developmental years from our caring and dedicated staff and volunteers.

Programmes include:

Japanese Drumming An interesting and fun skill that inculcates a sense of rhythm, teamwork, discipline and increases self esteem through various public performances. Our Taiko Drumming youth group has also been contributing back to the community through performing for community partners such as in Joo Chiat Community Club, Tampines East Community Club, Catholic Welfare Services, SAFRA and Hai Sing Catholic School for their special events. We were also involved in the opening performance for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games.
Live Jamming Increases the self-confidence of the youths as they showcase their skills and perform with others.
Life Skills Group Lifeskill Sessions are held at Hai Sing Catholic School and facilitated by trained volunteers. These sessions give the students an opportunity to share and discuss life issues, such as peer pressure, stress management, inter-personal relationships, etc.
Tuition Volunteers are engaged to give tuition to help students strengthen their foundation and prepare them for major exams.
Counselling/Group work Our trained counselors help youth overcome their difficulties and utilize their strengths to attain their desired goals in life.